
  • 代表はノースウエスト航空(現デルタ航空)・ルフトハンザ航空の元キャビンアテンダント
  • 英語・ドイツ語・フランス語・中国語・韓国語をネイティブスピーカーから学べる

Thank you for 2019 from UC English School!


2019 was a great year yet again for UC English School. On December 7, we once again held our annual Christmas Party and it was wonderful to see many faces from the past as well as some of our current students. We had a strong amount of recruitment and success for a number of our students.

2019 also saw the end of an era and the beginning of a new one as Japan entered the Reiwa era with Emperor Naruhito. The Rugby and Volleyball World Cups were both huge events here.

On the other hand, this was a year of disaster with Typhoon Hagibis (No. 19) leading to the deaths of at least 91 people only one month after Typhoon Faxai (No. 15) had already caused a great deal of damage as one of the worst typhoons in recent memory. However, this showed the resilience of the Japanese people in cooperating to recover and also the generosity of the Canadian and Namibian rugby players who volunteered to assist in the cleanup after their game was cancelled.

2020 will be an amazing year here in Japan. Tokyo will be hosting the Olympics again for the first time in 56 years. Tourism continues to increase as does the demand for air travel. We can see an increased number of recruitment programs from both international and domestic airlines.

All at UC English School would like to thank you for your kind attention in 2019.